Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 is going to be a doozy!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Just wanted to pop in to say hello and start the year off right by working on my blog. This year is going to be crazy / fantastic / ridiculous / amazing / quick / tiring / beautiful / busy / changing..... good. There is so much happening within the next 365 days that it's going to be hard to keep my head on straight! The big one is that I'm getting married to this amazing guy :)
I was reading CassieMarie's blog and she was talking about how long her and her husband have been together. Now I know that we haven't been together for a DECADE (!) but it has been well over 5 years already. I feel like I'm learning something new from him everyday, which is important. He's been the only man who can keep me interested and on my toes. You know you've met the one when you can really hate him one minute and love him for it the next :)

One of my best friends, Cait, is also getting married this year. We are both maid/matron of honor in each other's weddings. It will be awesome to be able to share all of these crazy wedding planning months together. It's going to be a busy next 8 months!!

Ready... set... GO!!!


  1. Happy (belated) New Years!!
    Sending hugs to you and Paul!!
    :) :) :)

